HomeoPet Host No More Drops

by Homeo Pet
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  • Easy to administer by dosing in water or directly into the mouth
  • A gentle, safer alternative to most wormers
  • Reduces susceptibility to worm infestations including tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, pinworms, threadworms, and flukeworms
  • No chemicals - 100% natural
  • 15 mL bottle with dropper

HomeoPet Host No More is formulated to remove hook, round, whip, and tapeworms. This remedy may also be used for prevention by reducing susceptibility to infestations, or for recovery from worm effect and detoxify from the effects of conventional products.

Available in 15 mL bottle with dropper - minimum 450 drops.

Dosage for Treatment of Worms

Dogs & Cats

Pet Weight Recommended Daily Dose
Under 1 lb. 2 drops in water 3x/day for 14 days
1 - 20 lbs. 5 drops in water 3x/day for 14 days
21 - 60 lbs. 10 drops in water 3x/day for 14 days
61 - 100 lbs. 15 drops in water 3x/day for 14 days
Over 100 lbs. 20 drops in water 3x/day for 14 days

When symptoms improve, drop daily dose to twice daily and then once daily. Discontinue use when symptoms disappear and return to original dose if they reappear.


2 drops in at least 8 oz. of drinking water once daily.

Small Animals

Small mammals include rabbits, ferrets, hamsters and pot bellied pigs can be dosed by weight as for cats and dogs in previous section. For severe cases a drop can be diluted in 1 ml of water or other oral rehydration fluid and given to the patient orally, taking care to avoid aspiration of the fluid into the respiratory tract by the patient. 3 doses whose volume is appropriate to the size of the patient should be given from the diluted product over a 24 hour period, e.g. 2 drops for a mouse or small budgie, 4 drops for a large guinea pig. For acute cases it can be repeated as for cats and dogs in previous dosing section.

Dosage for For Prevention Only

Administer drops 3 times per day for 7 days and repeat again every 60 days.

Dosage For Chronic Infestation

Administer one dose per day for 30 consecutive days.


Because this is a homeopathic remedy, in can be used at the same time as conventional worming treatments without side effects of interaction. Because this formula is chemical-free, there is no risk to overdosing your pet.

Arsenicum Alb, Chenopodium Anthelminticu, Cucurbita Pepo, Filix Mas, Kamala, Natrum Phosphoricum, Silica Terra, Sulphur, Thymol, Natrum Muriaticu, Calcarea Carbon, Cina, Ferrum Phosphoricu, Granatum, Naphthaline, Nux Vomica, Spigelia Anthelmintica, Teucrium Marum, Triticum Repe.