Sherpa Cycleash Universal Bicycle Leash is the perfect accessory for the avid cyclist to offer a smooth ride with minimal shock. This highly advanced design is offers both a safe and durable tool for exercising your dog while you get some exercise, too. The ergonomic leash bar attaches directly to the bike so you don't need to worry about holding your dog's leash in your hand. This accessory is made of lightweight aluminum alloy and the leash component is made of TPR with a strong bungee cord inside.
This system is easy to instal and all pieces are included. There is also a comfortable handle to hold if you decided to remove the bar from your bike. Suitable for dogs over 16 kg (35 lbs).
product Cycleash Universal Bicycle Leash, Pens & Ramps/Travel Gear/Dog/Collars, Leashes & Harnesses/Dog/Collars, Leashes & Harnesses/Leashes/Hands-Free Leashes/Gift Guides/Big Dog Gifts/Gear & Accessories/Gift Guides/Big Dog Gifts/Brands/Brands/Sherpa/Dog/Outdoor Dog Gear85986688688822022099784228623941285986088689018312099784<ul>
<li>Ultimate hands-free accessory for cyclists</li>
<li><strong>Lightweight bar made of aluminum alloy</strong></li>
<li><strong>TPR leash with strong bungee cord inside - minimal shock while riding</strong></li>
<li><strong>Comfortable handle to hold when unattached from bike</strong></li>
<li>Easy installation</li>
<li>Suitable for dogs over 16 kg (35 lbs)</li>
</ul> <p><em>Sherpa Cycleash Universal Bicycle Leash</em> is the perfect accessory for the avid cyclist to offer a smooth ride with minimal shock. This highly advanced design is offers both a safe and durable tool for exercising your dog while you get some exercise, too. The ergonomic leash bar attaches directly to the bike so you don't need to worry about holding your dog's leash in your hand. This accessory is made of lightweight aluminum alloy and the leash component is made of TPR with a strong bungee cord inside.</p>
<p>This system is easy to instal and all pieces are included. There is also a comfortable handle to hold if you decided to remove the bar from your bike. Suitable for dogs over 16 kg (35 lbs).</p>
22022099Gear & Accessories Guides/Big Dog Gifts/Gear & Accessories